Sources & Rough Cuts

What I Did

To cite my sources, I will use the links in the Pins and cite my tweets via quotes or link them to pins. Since my project focuses on social media, I can use the links to cite my sources and make my project multimodal.  I’m currently looking at the new site, Popcorn Time to watch  The Great Gatsby movie for my project and pull any material or quotes I might need. I went over the checklist for the basic materials I need for my rough cut.

Why I Did It

I decided on this method because it’s the easiest way to do so without appearing awkward or obvious. Linking sources will make it cleaner and it will allow viewers to go directly to the source. Popcorn Time makes you download the app in order to use it so I’m currently debating whether or not I want to download it to my computer. I can watch the older version on Netflix, but I wanted to use the newer version for my project.  My project currently meets the requirements for a rough cut, minus the fake tweets, which will be completed by Wednesday’s class.